roadmap to chromatic homotopy theory

Contemp. 3.

1148 S. Carmeli et al. In this picture, theories are classified in terms of their "chromatic levels"; i.e., the heights of the formal groups that define the theories via . is important. Jeremy Hahn, MIT Toward the C_p-fixed points of Morava E-theory. Much of this chapter is modeled on Kan's original papers [Kan58] and [Kan57]. . ), which (essentially) gives one path to understanding chromotopy. Unstable Chromatic Homotopy Theory by Guozhen Wang Submitted to the Department of Mathematics on May 18, 2015, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of PhD of Mathematics Abstract In this thesis, I study unstable homotopy theory with chromatic methods. The goal of this talk is to . The mapping cone (or cofiber) of a map :XY is =. The image of J in 4 k 1 s ( S 0) is a cyclic group whose order is equal to the denominator of ( 1 2 k) / 2 (up to a factor of 2 ).

approximation problem in chromatic homotopy theory. Speaker Title (Click to view video) Comment. [] Model categories for algebraists, or: What's really going on with injective and projective . Chromatic Homotopy Theory, Journey to the Frontier May 16-20, 2018 Website. More precisely, we show that the ultraproduct of the E(n;p)-local categories over any non-principal ultra lter on the set of prime numbers is equivalent to the ultraproduct of certain algebraic categories introduced by Franke.

Unfinished notes on topological automorphic forms, April 2014.. Notes for Paul Goerss's fall 2014 class on the Sullivan conjecture.. Notes and references for the fall 2013 topological automorphic forms seminar.. Talbots: structured ring spectra 2017, motivic homotopy theory 2014, chromatic homotopy theory . The E2-term 7 1.3. The chromatic filtration stratifies the p-local stable homotopy category into layers, the K (n)-local categories, for each n 0.The process of moving from local to global involves patching together these K (n)-localizations.. Chromatic assembly Lecture 6. Math., 2020. This chapter explains how the solution of the Ravenel Conjectures by Ethan S. Devinatz, Michael J. Hopkins, D. C. Ravenel, and Jeffrey H. Smith leads to a canon In mathematics, chromatic homotopy theory is a subfield of stable homotopy theory that studies complex-oriented cohomology theories from the "chromatic" point of view, which is based on Quillen's work relating cohomology theories to formal groups. Tomer Schlank Anabelian Bousfield lattice and presentable modes Video not available Chromatic homotopy theory gives us a way to see through this veil by using the algebraic geometry of formal groups to organize theory and computations. This extends work of Hovey (for model categories) and Lurie (for infinity categories) and repairs an earlier attempt of Heller. Denition 1.1.2 Given m 2, a space A is called m-nite if it is m- truncated, has nitely many connected components and all of its homotopy groups are nite. In general our construction exhibits a kind of redshift, whereby BP<n-1> is used to produce a height n theory. Set up the chromatic tower ([Rav16, De nition 7.5.3]) and state the Chromatic Convergence Theorem ([Rav16, Theorem 7.5.7]). It originated as a topic in algebraic topology but nowadays is studied as an independent discipline. The Spanier-Whitehead category. Hi there!

REZK, C., Notes on the Hopkins-Miller theorem, in Homotopy Theory via Algebraic Geometry and Group Representations (Evanston, IL, 1997), pp. Department of Mathematics, University of California San Diego ***** Math 292 - Topology Seminar (Chromatic Homotopy Theory Student Seminar) Title: An introduction to chromatic homotopy theory. In this picture, theories are classified in terms of their "chromatic levels"; i.e., the heights of the formal groups that define the theories via . In spring 2021, I am running a learning seminar on stable homotopy theory and spectra.. UIUC topology seminar, January 22nd, 2013. A homology theory H( ;E) is a functor from spaces to abelian groups, with the property that the maps induced by homotopy equivalences are isomorphisms, so that the Mayer-Vietoris sequence for a (reasonable) cover is exact, and which is equipped with a natural isomorphism H n+( nX,E) = H(X,E). April 8th: Lyne Moser, Max Planck Institute. The articles cover a variety of topics spanning the current research frontier of homotopy theory. The mapping cylinder of a map :XY is = ().Note: = / ({}). 1. Lubin-Tate theory, character theory, and power operations, Handbook of Homotopy Theory, 2020. Workshop at the Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach on homotopy theory, organized with Jesper Grodal and Birgit Richter. "finite chromatic" approach to stable homotopy theory has emerged in its own right (see [Mil2], [Rav4], [MS]). April 1st: PATCH, no meeting. My current research is in manifold topology and homotopy theory. Chromatic Homotopy Theory (252x) Lectures: . In mathematics, chromatic homotopy theory is a subfield of stable homotopy theory that studies complex-oriented cohomology theories from the "chromatic" point of view, which is based on Quillen's work relating cohomology theories to formal groups.

Zhouli Xu, MIT The slice spectral sequence of a height 4 theory. Elliptic curves and chromatic stable homotopy theory Elliptic curves enter algebraic topology through "Elliptic cohomology"-really a family of cohomology theories-and their associated "elliptic genera". The zen of -categories. We'llworkwiththecategory of nite polyhedra (or nite CW complexes) and homotopy classes of continuous maps between them. Lecture 4. Short talks by postdoctoral membersTopic: Chromatic homotopy theorySpeaker: Irina BobkovaAffiliation: Member, School of MathematicsDate: September 26, 2017 Speaker Title (Click to view video) Comment. Chro-matic homotopy theory is an organizing principle which is highly devel-oped in the stable situation. Let me divide to this purpose chromatic homotopy theory pseudo-historically in different phases. We want to generalize orientabil-ity of manifolds to other contexts. Recall that a finite p-local spectrum W is of type n when . topy theory and ho-motopy coherent dia-grams 1. To each p-local nite spectrum Xwe associate a natural number n, known as its type.


CHROMATIC HOMOTOPY THEORY D. CULVER CONTENTS 1. The reduced versions of the above are obtained by using reduced cone and reduced cylinder. The stable homotopy groups of any finite complex admits a filtration, called the chromatic filtration, where the height n stratum consists of periodic families of elements. Next you should get some familiarity with equivariant homotopy theory. The Spanier-Whitehead category. Jeremy Hahn, MIT Toward the C_p-fixed points of Morava E-theory. Homotopy theory deals with spaces of large but nite dimension. Introduces chromatic homotopy theory, algebraic K-theory and higher semiadditivity, and describes the construction of higher semiadditive K-theory and certain redshift results for it. For every chromatic homotopy theory. Denition 1.1. Abstract: In Chromatic homotopy theory, one tries to understand the homotopy groups of spheres using the height filtration on formal group laws. Homotopy theory deals with spaces of large but nite dimension. Previously I was a graduate student at Northwestern University working with Prof. John Francis. This volume contains the proceedings of the conference Homotopy Theory: Tools and Applications, in honor of Paul Goerss's 60th birthday, held from July 17-21, 2017, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. Zhouli Xu, MIT The slice spectral sequence of a height 4 theory. 2010 to 2012 NSF grant DMS-0805833, "Formal group laws in homotopy theory and K-theory." 2008 to 2012 In the 1960's, Adams computed the image of the J -homomorphism in the stable homotopy groups of spheres. Lecture 3. The Construction 2 1.2. A cohomology theory Eis complex orientable if there is a class Convergence of the classical ASS 8 1.4. Ind You could've invented tmf. The goal of this summer school is to increase the number of women mathematicians working in chromatic homotopy theory and adjacent areas. Irina Bobkova, IAS Spanier-Whitehead dual of TMF at p=2. This includes articles concerning both computations and the formal . Nat Stapleton, Kentucky Chromatic homotopy theory is asymptotically algebraic. At height 1 our construction is due to Snaith, who built complex K-theory from CP. The central theorem ( Mandell 01) says that . For any topological space X, one can attempt to compute the E-cohomology groups E (X) by means of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral . NSF grant DMS-1560699, "FRG: Collaborative Research: Floer homotopy theory." 2016 to 2019 NSF grant DMS-1206008, "Methods of algebraic geometry in algebraic topology." 2012 to 2016 Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellowship. Below is a list of chromatic homotopy theory words - that is, words related to chromatic homotopy theory. Let K(n) be the n-th Morava K-theory spectrum K(n) = Z=p[v1 n], K(0) = Q Let L K(n)be Bous eld localization with respect to K(n) . It hides beauty and pattern behind a veil of complexity. a bit more of a road map. In this picture, theories are classified in terms of their "chromatic levels"; i.e., the heights of the formal groups that define the theories via . The Classical Adams spectral sequence 2 1.1. Chromatic homotopy theory is the study of stable homotopy theory and specifically of complex oriented cohomology theories by means of and along this chromatic filtration. Latest Revisions Discuss this page ContextElliptic cohomologyelliptic cohomology, tmf, string theorycomplex orientedcohomology chromatic level 2elliptic curvesupersingular elliptic curvederived elliptic curvemoduli stack elliptic curvesmodular form, Jacobi formEisenstein series, invariant, Weierstrass sigma function, Dedekind eta functionelliptic genus, Witten. This is the so-called \chromatic" picture of stable homotopy theory, and it begins with Quillen's work on the relationship between cohomology theories and formal groups. Using the v, self maps provided by the Hopkins-Smith periodicity theorem . This was a graduate summer school and research conference on chromatic homotopy. The chromatic picture is best described in terms of localization at a chosen prime p. After one localizes at a prime p, the moduli of formal groups admits a descending ltration, called the height ltration. Irina Bobkova, IAS Spanier-Whitehead dual of TMF at p=2. The simplest case is via K-theory: Bott periodicity gives rise to a repeating family of elements in the stable homotopy groups of spheres via the image of the J homomorphism. This volume contains the proceedings of the conference Homotopy Theory: Tools and Applications, in honor of Paul Goerss's 60th birthday, held from July 17-21, 2017, at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana, IL. This is an expository essay extracted from the introductory chapter of my thesis. Answer: Familiarity with the basics of homotopy theory (spectra, representability, etc.) More abstractly, this filtering is induced by the prime spectrum of a symmetric monoidal stable (,1)-category of the (,1)-category of spectra for p-local finite spectra . Tomer Schlank Anabelian Bousfield lattice and presentable modes Video not available Talbot workshop on chromatic homotopy theory, April 25th, 2013. This filtration is intimately tied to the algebraic geometry of formal group laws, and via this connection computations in stable homotopy theory can be tied to certain . Analogs of Dirichlet L -functions in chromatic homotopy theory. This way at each height we get a spectral sequence whose term is the group cohomology of the Morava stabilizer group with coefficients in the Lubin-Tate ring. Introduction One of the fundamental aspects of chromatic homotopy theory is the notion of v n-periodicity. There is one family for each natural number n (called the height ) and it corresponds to collections of elements that repeat at a certain frequency. It is called -nite if it is m-nite for some m.1 Theorem 1.1.3 (Hopkins-Lurie, [20]) Let A be a -nite space. We employ this theory to give an asymptotic solution to the approximation problem in chromatic homotopy theory. Simplicial homotopy theory The standard reference for simplicial homotopy theory is the book by Goerss and Jardine [GJ09]. There are 12 chromatic homotopy theory-related words in total (not very many, I know), with the top 5 most semantically related being stable homotopy theory, complex-oriented cohomology theory, daniel quillen, formal group and landweber exact functor theorem. Chromatic homotopy theory is based on Quillen's and Landweber's work on complex oriented cohomology theories and formal group laws. Chromatic homotopy theory gives us a way to see through this veil by using the algebraic geometry of formal groups to organize theory and computations. The simplest case is via K-theory: Bott periodicity gives rise to a repeating family of elements in the stable homotopy groups of spheres via the image of the J homomorphism.