greenlining equitable building electrification

SUBJECT: Program to Support and Scale Low to Moderate Income Building Electrification and Efficiency . Contact: Miguel Yanez / (202) 662 1882. home electrification by providing tools, support, and resources to Californians. Why Accessible? The Equitable Building Electrification Framework explains the steps the state must take to ensure that electrification helps close the clean energy gap in California and provides relief to millions of residents facing energy insecurity in the current system. Active community engagement in energy decision-making: In all areas of our Energy Equity work, Greenlining advocates for active community engagement in decision-making. We work to ensure that legislators, regulators and power providers listen to our communities before making decisions that impact our lives. 4. b. All-Electric Construction Can Reduce Energy Bills 7 Greenlining, EEFA; Equitable Building Electrification, A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities, (Sept. 2019) Equitable Building Electrification - Greenlining Institute, Sept 2019; Mad Stano of The Greenlining Institute will discuss the range of impacts on communities, and how considerations of equity and distribution should be applied to this proceeding so that no group is left paying for the remaining pipeline. 1. We endeavor to advance a statewide housing agenda that builds wealth and assets for communities of color through homeownership, community-led We greatly appreciate the foundational work that the Greenlining Institute is doing in this space. The Building Electrification Equity Project (Recording - keynote begins at 16:00) Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health Part of NRDCs Year-End Series Reviewing 2020 Climate & Clean Energy Developments. to invest in electrification when only the tenants benefit. Decarbonization Coalition (BDC) Provides low-income households with. The Greenlining Institute believes that housing needs to be de-commodified and understood as a human right, because equitable housing will lead to greater health and economic security for all. 1. Building electrification means eliminating use of fossil fuels for functions like heating and cooking and replacing gas appliances with alternatives that use electricity. In California, 25 percent of our greenhouse gas emissions come from the buildings we live and work in. Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities Report Emerald Cities Collaborative. As the costs of maintaining Californias gas system increase and are spread over fewer customers, it is important to provide assistance to those who face barriers to electrification. Electrification + Efficiency. Greenlining. We found that in California, where were based the gas used in our buildings produces about one quarter of the states total CO2 emissions. Greenlining works to ensure that the policies that build our clean energy future center and prioritize communities of color. We work toward: Affordable clean energy: Greenlinings Energy Equity team works to ensure that communities of color have access to clean energy technologies like solar, energy storage, and home energy management tools. Draft Programs Equity Framework updated. Transportation Electrification Proposals. BlocPower has proposed that EBCE invest $1 million in the junior capital position at a 5.5% interest rate. Greenlining and Energy Efficiency for All released Equitable Building Electrification, a framework that centers equity and inclusion in the goal to electrify buildings. 2. Episode Guest: Laura Tajima. At NRDC, he works on policies to transition buildings to clean energy. Battery storage and solar panels can be useful additions during power outages. With more than 50 cities either considering or having passed measures to accelerate all-electric buildings, the gas industry is working overtime to stoke fear around building electrification. Framework: Equitable Building Electrification Step 1: Assess the Communities Needs. ELECTRIFICATION. CECs resulting California Building Decarbonization Assessment finds that accelerating efficient electrification of building end uses in both new and existing buildings represents the most predictable pathway to achieve deep reductions in building emissions (Kenney, et al. Now is the time to scale energy efficiency and .

Now things look different. The Greenlining Institute helps communities of color thrive with policy advocacy, community and coalition building, and research and leadership development. Figure A 1: Primary considerations for replacing appliances from under-resourced and POC communities The Building Electrification Equity Project Report. Laura Tajima works across many of Building Electrification Institute s cities overseeing and implementing projects to advance equitable building electrification. What building end uses and building types should be prioritized for building decarbonization through electrification efforts? The report is developed from direct input from residents and community organizations across California. CA Department of Receive an update on plans to develop a Low to Moderate Income Electrification Program. Education: Raising awareness among policymakers, regulators, media, and the public regarding the climate and health risks associated with burning fossil fuels, both indoors and outdoors. Limited Information and Research. Building electrification, existing building strategy 30 min + Guest Speaker: Kevin Jackson. January 8, 2021 California Energy Commission Docket Unit, MS-4 1516 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814-5512 VIA DOCKET Energy Commission Docket 20-EVI-01 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEMarch 17,2021. Step 2: Establish Community -Led Decision-Making. PORTLAND, ORE. Forth and The Greenlining Institute have created the Toward Equitable Electric Mobility (TEEM) community of practice that aims to develop a national agenda for equitable electric mobility. Building Decarbonization Coalition has advanced its Roadmap for Decarbonizing Californias Buildings by releasing a policy roadmap to the implementation of accessible financing co-authored by a team that included Clean Energy Works. If there is a downside to this solution, it comes in the mismatch with most investors hold strategies, which typically run short of the 10-year mark. We greatly appreciate the foundational work that the Greenlining Institute is doing in this space. The Building Electrification Equity (The BEE) Project was a 6-month organizing and planning process to engage and inform the environmental and climate justice community on the building electrification movement, and to ensure equity issues and strategies are incorporated in state and local policies. EBCE project capital will directly fund LMI electrification for our customers. In the junior capital position, EBCE will incur losses on any defaults that are larger than what can be Other important steps include eliminating leaky windows and doors to keep electricity demand (and utility bills) low. According to a Greenlining Institute report, a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions in California come from residential and commercial buildings. Description. Equitable Housing & Homeownership. Across each of these issues, Michaels focuses on minimizing investment risk and aligning utility incentives with affordable, clean and safe energy services. 2. Based out of EDFs San Francisco office, Michael focuses on building decarbonization, gas utility business models, wholesale electricity markets and transportation electrification matters. Greenlining Institute: Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities East Bay Clean Power Alliance BOOK: Energy Democracy: A collaborative campaign to support. Equitable Building Electrification framework, released by Greenlining Institute and Energy Efficiency for All, calls for supporting ESJ households through alternative financing such as tariffed on-bill investments. 9. TEEM includes 21 organizations from across the U.S.focused on equity, public health, transportation, and clean Greenlining Institute has led the way with its Mobility Equity Framework as well as the more recent Equitable Building Electrification framework, which recommends tariffed on-bill investment to ensure access for all customers.

What is Building Electrification? Although these electrification upgrades may seem small, the results can quickly add up. The Greenlining Institute helps communities of color thrive with policy advocacy, community and coalition building, and research and leadership development. Greenlinings Equitable Building Electrification Framework addresses the opportunities and challenges that electrification presents for low-income communities70 percent of whom are renters. One can thus infer that exclusive reliance on grant-only programs leaves ESJ communities at risk of getting left behind. energy efficiency upgrades at no cost to. Th i s rep ort ad d resses th e op p ortu n i ti es an d ch al l en g es th at el ectri cati on p resen ts f or l ow - i n come commu n i ti es. In following year in 2019, the Building Decarbonization Coalition convened a stakeholder process to chart a policy roadmap called The Electrification Coalition Who We Are The Electrification Coalition (EC) is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization committed to promoting policies and actions that facilitate the deployment of electric vehicles on a mass scale, in order to combat economic and national security dangers caused by our dependence on oil. Pierre Delforge 1344. Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities. We take an equitable approach to building electrification by providing electrification upgrades in communities that have historically been under-resourced. Step 4: Ensure Funding and Program Leveraging. electrification will only increase as the grid progresses toward 100% clean electricity. Isa Gaillard is working with The Greenlining Institute's Environmental Equity team as a Program Manager for the community of practice project. Background and Discussion . Building electrification means replacing gas, fuel oil, or propane appliances with more efficient electric ones.

The benefits of electrification go well beyond the climate crisis. $24,804: $43,929. The GreenLining Institute and Energy Efficiency For All. Equitable Electrification: Program Models that Work for Existing Low Income Multifamily Buildings (PDF) Issue Advancing Equitable Policies Making Homes Healthier Promoting Program Solutions Reducing Energy Burdens Preserving Affordable Housing building ordinances (Greenlining 2019). Particularly, this report examines how Midwest rural co-ops incentivize members to switch from fossil fuelpowered end-use equipment to electric end-use equipment. As the Greenlining Institute and the Energy Efficiency for All coalition lay out in their Equitable Building Electrification Framework, Equitable Building Electrification A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities. A new report from the Greenlining Institute and Californias Energy Efficiency for All coalition provides a framework for equitable building Search Query Show Search News This study should align with the Equitable Building Electrification Framework developed by The Greenlining Institute and Energy Efficiency For All. A report by Greenlining on Equitable Building Electrification provides us with guidelines for how to address the issues faced by this population. She is experienced in project management and skilled in building partnerships and both customer and stakeholder relationships. Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework . This means that Illinois electric utilities may start to offer and promote electrification programs, provided that they reduce the total energy consumption at the premises and provide bill savings. Greenlining and our allies came together to push for eliminating residential energy debt incurred during COVID-19 to prevent power disconnections at the time of extreme heat and wildfire season in my state. This grant will support its Environmental Equity Program. Simultaneously, electrification provides a critical platform for climate and environmental justice advocates to achieve a cost-effective and equitable path to healthy and safe Building electrification means replacing gas, fuel oil, or propane appliances with more efficient electric ones. A report by Greenlining on Equitable Building Electrification provides us with guidelines for how to address the issues faced by this population. In April, EVHybridNoire and the Great Plains Institute hosted Drive the Future: Best Practices for Equitable Transportation Electrification in the Midcontinent, a panel discussion with experts in the fields of e-mobility, equity, and workforce development training. - CHPC Building Decarbonization Summit 2021 Report - The Terner Center The Complexity of Financing LIHTC in the US Report The Cost of Affordable Housing Production: Insights from Californias 9% LIHTC Program - Greenlining Institute Equitable Building Electrification Framework - MidPens Strategic Plan

Greenlining Institute. Offered by . We know that energy can be a contributor [to our climate problems], but also a source of benefit and solutions. 2/26/2021 13:17 Page | 5 . The report was produced in partnership between The When I started at Greenlining almost 10 year ago, energy and climate justice were separate issues. 8 The Greenlining Institute (2019).Equitable BuildingElectrication: A Framework for Powering ResilientCommunities. Building Decarbonization Coalition has invited stakeholder participation from the earliest stages of the project, which has been It also explains the steps that California must take to Upon learning more about building electrification, environmental and climate justice advocates appreciated the impacts of building electrification on reducing carbon, climate change and indoor air pollution. According to a 2019 study published by Greenlining titled Equitable Building Electrification, A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities, the cost of safely maintaining California s gas system will increase with a decline in demand as the state transitions away from fossil fuels to hit its climate targets.3 This cost will be spread Senior Scientist, Building Decarbonization Natural Resources Defense Council. The reports concluding recommendations to local governments developing building electrification policies are centered on research and civic engagement, technical analysis support for program design, and workforce diversification in jobs related to building electrification. DATE: September 22, 2021 _____ Recommendation . Are there model policies from other jurisdictions or specific policies that should be prioritized as California considers a path forward to equitable building electrification?

As signatories to the Equitable Building Electrification framework pointed out, Environmental and Social Justice (ESJ) communities are likely to be left us-ing gas if market forces are the primary driver of electrifi-cation.1 A grant-only approach to LMI building decarbon- Fossil fuels like natural gas, propane, and oil are still common energy sources to power homes and produce 10% of US greenhouse gas emissions. Project Title: Energy Efficiency and Building Decarbonization TN #: 229538 -10 Document Title: Equitable Electrification Framework Description: Presentation by Carmelita Miller, Greenlining Institute Filer: Raquel Kravitz Organization: California Energy Commission Submitter Role: Commission Staff Building Electrification: Climate, Health, Equity RESOURCES & ORGANIZATIONS. Given the nascent state of the building electrification field, 7 World Green Building Council (n.d.).Climate championCalifornia joins the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment. 3. 6 The Greenlining Institute (2019).Equitable BuildingElectrication: A Framework for Powering ResilientCommunities. Building Electrification Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities, written by The Greenlining Institute, presents a five-step framework and argument that electrification can be a transformative force for low-income residents. Battery storage and solar panels can be useful additions during power outages. The city timed the building electrification policy to line up with the development of a recycled water and drain water piping policy, which is in the works and could create pipe-laying jobs to replace those that would carry natural gas. What is Building Electrification? el of spending on building decarbonization would dwarf any public expenditure the state of California has made for energy efficiency or renewable energy programs. 3. solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and. Building electrification, new construction code 30 min Equitable Electrification Framework Greenlining Institute Equitable Development Scorecard The Alliance for Advancing Regional Equity 1. less expensive per year by 2050 than a scenario without building . 4. RESPONSE OF THE GREENLINING INSTITUTE TO SENATE BILL 350 TRANSPORTATION ELECTRIFICATION APPLICATION OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY Joel Espino Legal Counsel The Greenlining Institute 360 14th Street, 2nd Floor Oakland, CA 94612 510-898-2065 [emailprotected] Dated: March 6, 2017 Beneficial and equitable building electrification is an important next step in Californias efforts to curtail greenhouse gas emissions. Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities Greenlining Institute and Energy Efficiency For All. Climate and Public Health Impacts. Founded in 2019 by the . Greenlining Institute, Equitable Building Electrification (2019) Why Financing? ownership status.

Emphasis is placed on the equity lens for a few distinct reasons: Electrification is expensive. Building Decarbonization By the Building Energy, Equity, and Power (BEEP) Coalition | Released March 1, 2022 This report summarizes key concerns, opportunities, and recommendations on equitable building decarbonization policy in California. National Momentum for Equitable Building Decarbonization. Electrification + Efficiency + 7.5 kW PV. This report focuses on equitable beneficial electrification as a pathway for rural electric cooperatives to decarbonize their power grid. As stated in a report by the Greenlining Institute and Energy Efficiency for All, While building electrification has promising benefits for residents, it must be pursued equitably Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities, Greenlining Institute and Energy Efficiency for All, 2019 . The momentum to usher in a new era of cleaner, healthier, all-electric new homes and buildings has gained steam in California. A Framework for Equitable Building Electrication, long-form repor t by the Greenlining Institute. Building. electrification. 2019: Equitable Building Electrification framework, released by Greenlining Institute and Energy Efficiency for All in 2019, calls for supporting ESJ households through alternative financing such as tariffed on-bill investments. This grant will support its Environmental Equity Program. 2020: The Building Decarbonization Coalition completed a Everyone needs to be able to participate: electrification, space conditioning & domestic hot wtr. electrification will only increase as the grid progresses toward 100% clean electricity. The Climate & Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) allows utilities to include building electrification measures in their energy efficiency programs. solution for LMI electrification in our service area. Step 5: Improve Outcomes. The benefits of electrification go well beyond the climate crisis. for Powering Resilient Communities. As the costs of maintaining Californias gas system increase and are spread over fewer customers, it is important to provide assistance to those who face barriers to electrification. Building electrification can have significant benefits for low-income communities find energy and housing experts. On the retrofit side, a 10-year payback on the electrification of floor space is achievable in the 27 percent of U.S. commercial buildings currently heating with fossil fuels, the report states. The City recognizes the need to address equitable electrification of existing buildings. Installation cost; $17,112. R. 18-12-006 (Filed December 13, 2018) Leslie Aguayo Program Manager The Greenlining Institute 360 14th Street, Second Floor Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 926-4006 [emailprotected] Dated: August 21, 2020 E. 5.5 New Building Construction VI. residents. The Greenlining Institute was discussing their philosophy on equitable energy programs. Pierre Delforge, a senior scientist, joined NRDC in 2010 after a 20-year career in the computer industry. 2021). Equity provisions: The Greenlining Institute studied the challenges and opportunities that building electrification presents for low-income communities 70 percent of whom are renters caught up in a housing and energy affordability crisis. ADDITIONAL GENERAL EQUITY RECOMMENDATIONS A. Equitable Building Electrification Framework This five-step framework presents a start-to-finish recipe for how the current goals of building electrification can be align with producing healthy homes, creating high quality, local jobs that cannot be Energy efficiency is still fundamental Improved energy efficiency is key to ensuring that residential electrification delivers utility cost relief to homeowners and renters.

A new report, Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities, highlights the benefits a move away from gas in buildings can have for low-income residents. Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities | Greenlining Institute. lowest cost path to building decarbonizationa scenario estimated to be $20 billion less expensive per year by 2050 than a scenario without building electrification.1 Simultaneously, electrification provides a critical platform for climate and environmental justice advocates to achieve a cost-effective and equitable path to healthy This statement was recorded during a Building Decarbonization Coalition webinar. Equitable Transportation Electrification Jun 15th 9AM to 10:15AM PST Environmental Equity Legal Counsel at The Greenlining Institute. Programs Equity Framework Updated 4/5/2021 Page | 5 . Building Decarbonization Coalition | 4 | Common Spark Consulting. Step 3: Develop Metrics and a Plan for Tracking. National Momentum for Equitable Building Decarbonization. EQUITABLE. Other important steps include eliminating leaky windows and doors to keep electricity demand (and utility bills) low. The Greenlining Institute examined the issues around electrification for our recent report, Equitable Building Electrification: A Framework for Powering Resilient Communities. Executive Summary Vehicle Electrification . Annual change in kWh: 1 Miller et al., Equitable Building Electrification, p. 22 For this project, the institute is partnering with Forth to develop a national community of practice that will include organizations across five states and will focus on advancing clean and equitable transportation for all.