equitable building decarbonization

Taking action on utility reform through building performance policies. Capitalizing on the momentum generated by the City's Building Decarbonization Working Group, which convened over 50 partners, Chicago commits to joining the White House's coalition to increase community and local stakeholder engagement to co-design building performance standards and complementary policies and programs - to advance . Building Policy and Technology at Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition. State emissions data shows achieving the State's ambitious climate targets will require decarbonization of buildings. Figure 2, page 4.. 2. Leading outreach and relationship/trust development with policy and technical experts across the Midwest region (MN, MI, WI, IL, MO, IL, IA, ID) to build an inclusive . lowest cost path to building decarbonizationa scenario estimated to be $20 billion less expensive per year by 2050 than a scenario without building electrification.1 Simultaneously, electrification provides a critical platform for climate and environmental justice advocates to achieve a cost-effective and equitable path to healthy This characterization will be done through a broad compilation and analysis of statewide spatial data layers related to electrification and equity considerations. For these policies to be equitable, local governments and the state must acknowledge the added complexities, workforce limitations, costs and feasibility implications . It will require a wholesale transformation of our energy systems, consumer options, and trades workforce a transition on a scale similar to the massive mobilization of capital in the post-war period in the United States. Scale equitable building decarbonization by 2030. the governor's budget proposal, released in january 2022, includes nearly $1 billion for equitable building decarbonization efforts over two yearsin addition to hundreds of millions for the ahsc. Our . Equity is as much about the process as it is about the product. Increase investment in equitable electrification programs to benefit underserved communities.

dismantling these practices is key to fostering equitable decarbonization of the region's buildings in a way that will transition all households to sustainable sources of energy while minimizing cost increases and burdens for those who have historically been marginalized or excluded from decision-making processes and overburdened by our use of Here's the description: Join the City of LA Climate Emergency Mobilization Office (CEMO) for a series of virtual sessions on the need for climate equity and carbon neutrality. Electrifying single & multifamily housing, focus on low-income and communities of color (January) 4. While there are energy programs that help address low-income families' needs, there is still much work to be done in equitable building . 1. Decarbonization Coalition (BDC) Provides low-income households with. There are four main components to building decarbonization. Part I will focus on Equitable Building Decarbonization. Adding wall insulation helps make a home more energy efficient. Equitable Building Decarbonization. Equitable Building Decarbonization Strategies Speakers: Jacqui Patterson Founder and Executive Director at Chisholm Legacy Project. 3d Report this post Super excited for this, should be very informative! EQUITABLE. Oakland's 2030 Equitable Climate Action Plan (ECAP) outlines the City's goals to decrease carbon emissions and equitably respond to the climate crisis.

Refer to Potential Actions for more information. . Further, this proceeding will consider how demand flexibility policies, rates, tools, and programs can better support equitable and affordable rates for all Californians and advance the Commission's Environmental and Social Justice Action Plan. For these policies to be equitable, local governments and the state must acknowledge the added complexities, workforce limitations, costs and feasibility implications for affordable housing providers undergoing efforts to decarbonize their properties. Policies like building performance standards can also be a gateway to advance other crucial and interrelated parts of an equitable clean energy transition. While decarbonization is the baseline, any form of an equitable transition fundamentally depends on a broader political project of decommodification, democratization and decolonization.

Without confronting the deeper roots of the climate crisis and the broader forces at play, we will continue to perpetuate the same systems of speculation and crisis. Workforce opportunities and challenges in the transition to 100% electric buildings (November) 2. Building. Pierre Delforge, a senior scientist, joined NRDC in 2010 after a 20-year career in the computer industry. Plug in with the coalition Our Mission The Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition seeks to develop and implement equitable strategies to achieve zero emissions from the Midwestern building sector by 2050. the governor's budget proposal, released in january 2022, includes nearly $1 billion for equitable building decarbonization efforts over two yearsin addition to hundreds of millions for the ahsc program, the low-income weatherization program, and other initiatives to improve climate resilience and expand access to sustainable housing across

State emissions data shows achieving the State's ambitious climate targets will require decarbonization of buildings. The results of different decarbonization scenarios of a partly renovated old building switching from gas-fired heat supply to either the district heating network or being equipped with a heat pump system show that an equitable heating system change is possible, but with massive public subsidy payments. An equitable building decarbonization strategy must prioritize low- and middle-income residents experiencing rent burden by ensuring their housing remains affordable, among other key features.Affordable housing comes in many forms, with variations in building attributes, rent structure, types of building owners and level of affordability. CARB encourages proposers to form multidisciplinary teams to fulfill contract requirements. Senior Scientist, Building Decarbonization Natural Resources Defense Council. Elevate's blog on decarbonization: Serves as a primer on what building decarbonization is, the benefits . The working group, announced last week , will establish a comprehensive framework for guiding the . . Building electrification is a cornerstone of decarbonization strategies and reducing greenhouse gas emissions statewide. Part II will focus on Community Climate Resilience in April 2022, and Part III will focus on Climate Equity Metrics and Policy in May 2022. . Full-time. Equitable Rural Building Decarbonization. The second objective of this study is to address the gaps in knowledge related to building decarbonization. The historic Climate and Equitable Jobs Act (CEJA) sets a goal of Illinois reaching 100 percent clean energy by 2045, and electrifying homes plays a key role in achieving a cleaner and healthier energy future for all Illinois residents. Commit to the Most Strategic Path. To meet 80% reductions we need to incorporate a third strategy (strategic electrification). This report offers vital insights to inform the state's building decarbonization . In this webinar, Stanford researchers will present . RE-AMP Network's Guiding Principles for Equitable Deep Decarbonization are: Center equity, inclusivity, justice, and healing; Prioritize local ownership of process and outcomes; Leverage systemic change; Establish holistic, ambitious, and credible intermediate steps for equitably eliminating greenhouse gas emissions in the Midwest by 2050 California's buildings are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions due to their utilization of natural gas. Thursdays, 6:00 - 8:00 PM. Organization: Building Decarbonization Coalition Submitter Role: Public Submission Date: 6/22/2021 4:48:03 PM Docketed Date: 6/22/2021 . From this exploration, the actions we believe are most critical to advancing an equitable and just building decarbonization movement are: Create a national database of minority-owned buildings and businesses. If you are working on holistic building decarbonization policies, don't stop at buildings. Source: 2050 Institute analysis using historical energy use from U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) energy consumption data and projected energy use from deep decarbonization modeling for the Washington 2021 State Energy Strategy. 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM, 22, Equitable Building Decarbonization through Electrification (LS) Dr. Equitable Building Decarbonization. Equitable Electrification: Program Models that Work for Existing Low Income Multifamily Buildings Sarah J. Hill, Nick Dirr, Tabitha Harrison Designing programs that prepare low-income communities for participation in our clean energy future is a critical component of equitable long-term decarbonization strategies. Electric: Electrify fossil fuel-based end uses (e.g., space and water heating) where possible. Between 2010 and 2016, 24 EJ of growth in final energy demand globally from the building sector, was avoided, due to a combination of building energy policies, technology choices, and energy-efficiency measures. Stanford University 4.2. This project will focus on equitable decarbonization of the energy sector and its associated intersections with integrative design for buildings, mobility, power, industry . Numerous cities and jurisdictions have passed local building energy codes, or "reach" codes that require new construction to be all or near electric to decarbonize or remove fossil fuels from buildings and electrify end uses. The Fellow will join the . Operation 2030: Scaling Building Decarbonization in Washington State . .

Pierre Delforge 1344. Decarbonization through housing and building development. to avert the disastrous effects of climate change, the building sector will play a major role in this decarbonization. Chicago's newly created Building Decarbonization Working Group will work to devise an equitable path for reducing building emissions to meet the city's climate goals, which include an aim to power all buildings with renewable energy by 2035 . Professional Lecturer in Environmental and . We will share our vision for the recently launched Climate Emergency Mobilization Office and its developing blueprint for prioritizing community input to create . Helping to establish and/or bolster participation in working groups within the Coalition that develop and advance equitable building decarbonization solutions. Gas use in buildings leads to massive emissions of methane, a highly potent and persistent greenhouse gas, along with nitrogen oxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and volatile organic compounds. Enhanced energy efficiency and carbon-free electricity can reduce regional emissions by only about 40 percent by 2050half the amount required to achieve the 80% goal. Source: 2050 Institute analysis using historical energy use from U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) energy consumption data and projected energy use from deep decarbonization modeling for the Washington 2021 State Energy Strategy. The focus is on program approaches that pair electrification and energy efficiency to reduce cost of living and carbon emissions. Figure 2, page 4.. 2. This report, an outcome of the Summit, offers vital insights to inform the state's building decarbonization policies . A collaborative campaign to support. The Governor's budget provides a total of $922.4 million General Fund over two years ($323 million in 2022-23 and $600 million in 2023-24) to CEC for two new residential building decarbonization programs.

. . NEEP's Equitable Home and Building Decarbonization work provides a public program of opportunities and resources that inspire, inform, drive, and support community leadership and collaboration across the region to accelerate resilient, healthy, affordable, low-carbon homes and buildings that serve especially the most vulnerable.

Strategic electrification is powering end uses with electricity instead of fossil . RE-AMP Network's Guiding Principles for Equitable Deep Decarbonization are: Center equity, inclusivity, justice, and healing; Prioritize local ownership of process and outcomes; Leverage systemic change; Establish holistic, ambitious, and credible intermediate steps for equitably eliminating greenhouse gas emissions in the Midwest by 2050 #building # . The Fellow will lead legal and policy analysis to support (1) clarification of utilities' obligation to serve as building electrification efforts accelerate, (2 . We help clients evaluate the co-benefits that building decarbonization can create, such as quality jobs . First, such households Building Decarbonization and Equity Meeting Series 1. residents . Key areas for decarbonization in buildings

The workforce transition will be critical, as new jobs arise in building electrification, electric mobility and active transportation infrastructure, the repair and reuse economy, and more. Planning for an orderly and equitable transition away from the fossil gas system is the necessary next step: It will allow us to adequately provide economic and career pathways for gas workers as well as affordability and stability during the transition for the historically underserved communities that most need it. Building Decarbonization (BD) is an emerging concept to design new and retrofit existing buildings so that they contribute zero or near zero carbon emissions through the embodied carbon in the construction materials and ongoing operation. Buildings account for more than a quarter of Washington state's greenhouse gas emissions, up 50% since 1990 and now comprising 27% of the state's greenhouse gas emissions. Equity impacts: Electrifying deed-restricted affordable housing (December) 3. Synapse recognizes that equitable policymaking for building decarbonization can help address inequities that confront vulnerable communities, such as low-income neighborhoods, communities of color, and areas with increased pollution exposure. At the 2021 Summit, core members of the Biden Administration convened industry stakeholders in dialogue on equitable decarbonization of America's buildings, associated opportunities for jobs, and new programs for efficient electrified buildings. Washington's most strategic building decarbonization pathway involves electrification to deepen . Both the Washington 2021 State Energy Strategy and legislation currently under consideration in the state legislature aim to . Decarbonization strategies that simply choose larger homes, by virtue of their higher carbon footprint, might perpetuate social inequity against lower income households. At NRDC, he works on policies to transition buildings to clean energy. Post-doctoral Fellow on Equitable Building Decarbonization Stanford's Energy Resources Engineering (ERE) Department and the Climate and Energy Policy Program (CEPP) of Stanford's Woods Institute for the Environment invite applications for a post-doctoral position focused on equitable building decarbonization. home electrification by providing tools, support, and resources to Californians. Without this data, which is often unavailable or available only from disparate sources, it is difficult to evaluate how economic benefits . Commit to the Most Strategic Path. That way, the building doesn't need to use as much energy to operate. WEBINAR RECORDING California's buildings are a significant source of greenhouse gas emissions due to their utilization of natural gas. At the 2021 Summit, core members of the Biden Administration convened industry stakeholders in dialogue on equitable decarbonization of America's buildings, associated opportunities for jobs, and new programs for efficient electrified buildings. The Governor's budget provides a total of $922.4 million General Fund over two years ($323 million in 202223 and $600 million in 202324) to CEC for two new residential building decarbonization programs. These two programs include (1) $622.4 million for a program to directly As this report shows, it can cost as much as $28,000 per housing unit, and under existing laws, these costs can be passed down to renters. California's Gas System in Transition: Equitable, Affordable, Decarbonized, and Smaller Gridworks This report shows how a suite of local and state-wide policies resulting from California's commitment to 100 percent clean electricity and carbon-neutrality are set to cause a significant reduction in gas demand in coming decades. Evaluating and proposing new research opportunities to advance innovative technology and/or policies in pursuit of equitable building decarbonization in the Midwest. Additionally, the much needed investment in equitable building decarbonization is an important step in making sure all Californians are safe and healthy in their homes - a reality out of reach for so many people living in . Clear Decarbonization will further the potential impact that a Stanford-HBCU collaboration has on the interlinked quests to advance equity and accelerate decarbonization. Hybrid remote in Stanford, CA. R.19-01-011 (Building Decarbonization), R.20-11-003 (Reliable Electric Service), R.21-06-017 . Building Decarbonization Barrier Busting . Low income communities and communities of color have often been provided . energy efficiency upgrades at no cost to. Washington state is well-positioned to scale up the technologies, workforce, and policy infrastructure required to transform the building sector. . Building sector decarbonization hinges on five core principles: Efficient: Ensure new buildings are designed and constructed to be highly efficient and that existing buildings realize deep efficiency benefits. solar photovoltaic (PV) systems and. More action and policy initiative is needed to drive global decarbonization of buildings.

Accelerating Building Decarbonization: A White House Roundtable with Government & Industry With such a short timeframe, it is imperative to quickly build an actionable Building decarbonization is critical for California to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045; in particular, building electrification combined with renewable energy is one building decarbonization strategy that can eliminate direct emissions from stationary combustion. Equitable Building Decarbonization Legal Fellow The Environmental and Natural Resources Law & Policy Program (ENRLP) of Stanford Law School and the Climate and Energy Policy Program (CEPP) of Stanford's Woods Institute for the Environment invite applications for an Equitable Building Decarbonization Legal Fellow. Accelerating Building Decarbonization: A White House Roundtable with Government & Industry Just Transition This strategy can support the equitable transition away from an extractive economy and the economic recovery following COVID-19 by . Equitable Building Decarbonization Legal Fellow The Environmental and Natural Resources Law & Policy Program (ENRLP) of Stanford Law School and the Climate and Energy Policy Program (CEPP) of Stanford's Woods Institute for the Environment invite applications for an Equitable Building Decarbonization Legal Fellow. Requisition ID 94580 Equitable Building Decarbonization Legal Fellow The Environmental and Natural Resources Law & Policy Program (ENRLP) of Stanford Law School and the Climate and Energy Policy Program (CEPP) of Stanford's Woods Institute for the Environment invite applications for an Equitable Building Decarbonization Legal Fellow. This report, an outcome of the Summit, offers vital insights to inform the state's building decarbonization policies . National Momentum for Equitable Building Decarbonization. 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM, 22, Equitable Building Decarbonization through Electrification (LS) Dr. Immediate opportunities in each state . Opportunity Title: Equitable Building Decarbonization: Implementation Approaches Description: This is a competitive contract solicitation to support the California Air Resources Board (CARB or Board) Sustainable Transportation and Communities Division. Equitable Building Decarbonization through Electrification [ April 15, 2022 by April 15, 2022 by Midwest Building Decarbonization Coalition Clean, healthy, and affordable buildings for all. EQUITABLE DECARBONIZATION OF BUILDINGS AND HOMES & SERIES LAUNCH: Part I DATES: 3/3 3/10 3/17 3/24. Energy Efficiency The first step of building decarbonization is to make the building as energy efficient as possible. Tackling Equity Through Building Decarbonization. Efforts to achieve decarbonization of affordable housing are at early stages of development and implementation. Equitable decarbonization of the building sector is necessary to meet the urgent climate challenge. ELECTRIFICATION. But building decarbonization strategies can also have significant ratepayer impacts, raising equity concerns. Founded in 2019 by the . Update the state building code to require all-electric new construction.

Building Decarbonization Coalition Alliance for a Green Economy New York League of Conservation Voters New York AFL-CIO . building decarbonization, and measures to protect housing affordability and prevent displacement of communities of color and low-income residents. Equitable Decarbonization. But building decarbonization strategies can also have significant ratepayer impacts, raising equity concerns. The California Housing Partnership hosted a five-part Affordable Housing Building Decarbonization Summit in late 2020 to understand the opportunities and challenges of building decarbonization policies and programs across California that impact multifamily affordable housing. Equitable Building Decarbonization Legal Fellow. Building Decarbonization Coalition has advanced its Roadmap for Decarbonizing California's Buildings by releasing a policy roadmap to the implementation of accessible financing co-authored by a team that included Clean Energy Works.. Building Decarbonization Coalition has invited stakeholder participation from the earliest stages of the project, which has been informed by the Equitable . CEC Industrial Decarbonization $210 CEC Food Production Investment Program $85 CEC Equitable Building Decarbonization $922.4 CARB Equitable Building Decarbonization - Accelerating Adoption of Ultra-low Global Warming Potential Refrigerants $40 CEC Offshore Wind Infrastructure $45 DWR Oroville Pump Storage $240 Karma Sawyer, Director, Pacific Northwest National Lab Kathleen Judd, Group Leader, Pacific Northwest National Lab Bing Liu, Business Subsector Manager, Pacific Northwest National Lab Dr. Nikitha Radhakrishnan, Research Engineer, Pacific Northwest National Lab Supporting the Coalition's Equity First commitment by: Leading on equitable Coalition building, including coordinating with the Midwest BDC project manager and primary consultant to . Equitable Building Decarbonization Legal Fellow Stanford University Stanford, CA 3 weeks ago Be among the first 25 applicants Former NAACP Senior Director, Environmental and Climate Justice Program Dr. Jalonne White-Newsome Founder and CEO at Empowering a Green Environment and Economy, LLC. It identifies and describes selected decarbonization programs serving affordable housing markets. Washington's most strategic building decarbonization pathway involves electrification to deepen . However, decarbonization, which will require property owners to replace polluting natural gas appliances with all-electric appliances and make envelope improvements to their buildings, is expensive. A useful learning and networking opportunity for anyone interested in sustainable buildings: the Climate Equity LA Series: Series Kick-off & Equitable Building Decarbonization Workshops free webinars, March 3-24. Implementing equitable building decarbonization will not be possible without listening to, learning from, and following leadership of.

The California Housing Partnership hosted a five-part Affordable Housing Building Decarbonization Summit in late 2020 to understand the opportunities and challenges of building decarbonization policies and programs across California that impact multifamily affordable housing. While it may not sound as glamorous as renewable energy or EVs, improving the energy efficiency of housing and buildings is just as important.